ROTRA Ihr Partner für Automation seit 1987RO tation + TRA nslation = AutomationControllers are the core of automation. We develop individual solutions fordifferent applications.Every drive axis is equipped with an axis controller with a microprocessor. A mastercontroller or a PC communicates with many of such axis controllers. There is nolimitation for the amount of axes.Programming, installation and test are easy to understand due to the modularstucture and the use of parallel processes. All customer commands are pure text commands.The communication with the PC is via Rs232 or USB.Our master processor boards communicates with up to 12 axes.Interpolation using all 12 axes (not in real time) is possible. The PC based programcalculates the comlicated motions, transfers the position commands as a package to the master. The master controlls by hardware the status of the slaves andexecutes the program flow.Example: 3 stations of 5 axes each controlled via 3 independent USB channels.Example: controller with display, built to customer´s wishUniversal axis controller with micro stepping for 2-phase step motorsWe developed a series of application specific controller boards. The in houseboard layout enables the use of up to date electronic components.We are using modern CPLD (complex programmable logic device) to integratethe function of many ICs in one device. A compiler software is taking the job ofdefining the inside routing of the CPLD. The boards are smaller and less complexby using such components.We integrate analogue input and output devices according to customer´s wish.One board is providing:LR272C basic versionMicrocontrollerSerial port TTL8 digital outputs TTL8 digital inputs TTL4 digital inputs for limit and reference switches 2 analogue inputs 0..5 V2 D/A converter for variable micro steps 1/4 to 1/200 Driver with power stages 2 phase a 2.5 A at 12 to 50 V max. driving current adjustable by softwaremax. holding current adjustable by softwareSoftware in EPROMCommunication with master or PCSelectable axis number (DIL switch)Ramp generation for acceleration and deceleration100 speeds, 20 rampsAutomatic step length adjustmentLimit switch control, reference driveExternal pulse input possibleCustomer specific subroutines availableLR272C CL version with encoder counter32 bit counter for encoder signals3 Line Driver 20mA receiver for (A,B,Z) signalsPositioning in closed loop using encoders or glass scalesShort delivery time.back to product overviewROTRAYour partner for automation since 1987